Today in Cafayate

Here’s what we did today:

We woke up this morning in this hotel room…

PatiosDeCafeyate Room

Not bad...

In this hotel (which is free, go Starwood!)…

PatiosDeCafayate front entrance image

To be fair, this is actually the winery attached to the hotel

Overlooking this pool…

PatiosDeCafayate Pool image

I guess it's ok...

PatiosDeCafayate Pool 2 Image

...if you like pools

Then, we got picked up and drove through this winery…

PatiosDeCafayate Vineyard Image

Somebody put a big vineyard around our hotel, oh well.

On our way to go  goat cheese tasting along with a tour of a goat cheese farm…

Las Cabras de Cafayate Goat Image

Good cheese waiting to happen

Then we went wine tasting in a couple of wineries like this one:

FincaDeLasNubes Winery Image

Finca de Las Nubes Winery (our 2nd of the day, after the goat cheese tasting)

Finca De Las Nubes Vineyard Image

They had some ok scenery if you're into this sort of thing...

Then we had a half bottle of Malbec and played chess in the town square before having some local empanadas filled with fresh goat cheese.  After the empanadas, we tried some of the local wine flavored ice cream and headed back to the hotel for a nap.  Now we’re lounging in one of the many common rooms in the hotel

patios De Cafayate common room image

This one actually

We didn’t go to the hot tub today…

Patios de Cafayate Hot Tub Image

...because we did that yesterday

Soon we’ll go to a fancy multi-course meal with a phenomenal bottle of wine.  The entire day including the fancy dinner to come will cost us a grand total of ~$45 USD.

So, yeah, that’s pretty much what we did today.

What did you do today??  🙂