Week 1 in Buenos Aires

We’ve officially been Argentinian for a full week now! Soon, we won’t even remember how to speak english.

We’ve been bad about updating the blog, mainly because we’ve been mostly out exploring, and then the little time we do spend online has been prioritized for one or more of the following:

-Researching spanish school:   We start on Monday at Vamos Spanish

-Looking for a longer term apartment: There are roughly a bazillion apartment rental companies and it is a bit overwhelming to sort through all of the options–I think we spent 8+ hours researching yesterday alone. We are going to visit our first couple of apartments this afternoon, so we’ll see…

-Trying to figure out where to eat:  We had some good and some very bad luck with walking into random restaurants on the street.  I think we don’t yet know how to recognize a place that sucks, so we’ve been reading more reviews lately.

Using Google Translate: To prepare ourselves to go out and do things like drop of laundry:  “Para lavar y sacar.  debemos regresar manana a las 11?”

-Using our spanish learning software Fluenz:   Expensive, but really good!

-Trying to figure out what futuristic Argentine technology makes this possible:

Buenos Aires 25 hours image

Anyway, we promise to post more regularly and do more than just bullet point summaries (especially once we have a more comfortable apartment), but for now here are some pics from our first week:  Buenos Aires Week 1 pics
